Tel: 757-887-8488

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Newport News, VA 23603 USA

5 Reasons You Should Be Using Liquid Silicone Rubber for Your Products

For over 200 years, the brightest minds have tweaked and perfected the leading solution to manufacturing needs. What is it? You guessed it, Liquid Silicone Rubber. While original Gum Stock Silicone is still reliable as ever, new and improved liquid silicone rubber has become the material of choice for manufacturers and engineers in countless industries. Here are just a few of the reasons it is so popular:

1) LSR is Customizable

Liquid Silicone Injection has made the process of customization much easier compared to gum stock silicone. Liquid silicone is injected in a two-part molding system, a process that makes customization simple effective.

2) It’s Extremely Durable

Who wouldn’t want to create a more durable product?  The unmatched durability of LSR is making most familiar materials obsolete. Silicone combines strength and elasticity, a duo that makes it remarkably durable in even the harshest environments.

3) You Can Save on Expenses

Liquid silicone is a far less labor-intensive process, which means it is also less expensive. The main difference is that the cure time for liquid silicone is about 1/3 less than gum stock.

4) It’s the Right Material for Any Job

Silicone is known as one of the most versatile materials around. It’s been described as the “missing link” between organic and inorganic chemistry as it combines the advantages of both. Silicone is both temperature and moisture resistant, but it can also take many different forms; a feature which has made the element very attractive to different industries.

5) LSR is Tried and Tested

The beauty of silicone rubber is its experience in multiple areas. In the healthcare field, injection molding is used in heart monitors, dialysis machines, blood pressure tests, and so much more. In the military, machines need to be battle tested. Silicone is leading the charge in well-designed, durable, military technology. Silicone solutions can also be found in industries like security, automotive, aeronautics and more.

To find out more about silicone products, give SiTech a call today at 757.887.8488.