Tel: 757-887-8488

140 Harwood Drive

Newport News, VA 23603 USA

Bonding Coating Options at SiTECH

Have you ever formed a strong bond with another person? Perhaps it was a friend, co-worker, or a significant other. What was it that connected the two of you? More than likely it was time spent together, as well as a mutual trust and an understanding that you two will be there for one another. The bonds we form with other people are actually very similar to the bonds that are formed with silicone keypad products. Nobody wants a silicone keypad to fall apart on them anymore then they want a friend to flake on them in a time of need. So, what bond coating options are available for you?

The Old Method on Bonding

You wouldn’t purchase old technology for your personal electronics. So why would you want old engineering used in silicone keypad manufacturing? Before bond coating, keypads and switches were bonded mechanically, which is a far more expensive and time consuming method. Today, the SiTECH bond coating process is far more efficient. Compared to other bonding methods, we have outperformed the competition in bonding strength and durability! This is because we have designed our bonding strength to increase over time.

SiTECH Si Prime™Bond Coating

With our proprietary Si Prime™ bonding technique, we begin by taking a thin coating of Si Prime™ bond coating and adding it the underbelly of the silicone keypad array. Then, after it is combined with an acrylic adhesive, the bond is strong enough to with stand significant use in nearly any application.  From the military to medical industries, our bond coating is engineered to provide the perfect silicone keypad experience over the life of your product.

We would fall apart without the strong bonds we have with our friends and family, but there is no reason for your keypads to fall apart when you have bond coating from SiTECH. Custom keypads are just one of the many products manufactured by Silicone Technology Corp. We use a unique injection molding process with Dow and GE Silicones. This combination of technology and quality offers you a competitive domestic supplier of custom keypads and other silicone rubber products. To partner with SiTECH for your silicone keypad design and creation, give us a call at 757-887-8488.