Tel: 757-887-8488

140 Harwood Drive

Newport News, VA 23603 USA

Silicone Plastics and the Latest Technology

These days vintage products have become increasingly popular with consumers. Today you can find everything from motorcycles, to furniture, and even vintage style electronics and appliances. As charming as old looking products can be, any engineer would tell you that it doesn’t make much sense to put old technology into a new product. This is the beauty of silicone, even though products may look the same on the outside, silicone is advancing the functionality and performance of so many of the products we use each and every day.

Silicone is both temperature and moisture resistant, but it is able to take many different forms; a feature which has made the element very attractive to different industries. The electronics industry has brought silicone materials into the fold more than most industries. From the start of the microchip, silicone has been used in computer parts, but today it is also used for external accessories.

Consider the Apple Watch and other wearable smart watches. Silicone is hard at work in tiny microchips within the device, but also is commonly used for the watch wristbands. Why silicone? The answer is simple. As athlete’s train with their smart watches, silicone can withstand sweat, abrasion, and sun without ever losing its form and usability. This is also the reason why many smartphone cases are made with silicone rubber. Furthermore, as smart phones and watches become more water resistant, silicone is one of the materials used to form keep water out of the important electronic functions.

The next time you pick up your iPhone or Apple watch, you can thank silicone for making these products so durable and reliable. The latest technology, whether it looks vintage or modern, is made possible because of the use of silicone rubber. If you need help with silicone solutions for your next product, SiTech can help!

We use a unique liquid injection molding process with Dow and GE Silicones. This combination of technology and quality offers you a competitive domestic supplier of custom keypads and other silicone rubber products. If you want to find out more about what makes SiTECH different from our competitors, give us a call today at 757-887-8488.