Tel: 757-887-8488

140 Harwood Drive

Newport News, VA 23603 USA

Why We Choose Silicone at Si-TECH

Si-Tech is a state of the art company that utilizes state of the art materials. Our trusted processes assure that complex key shapes, housings and other desirable features for your business can be economically produced. There are so many things we can do with the touch of a simple button, despite the huge push these days towards hands-free applications and touchscreens.

In the face of this, Si-Tech still manufacturers silicone keypads, and for many good reasons.

#1: Increased Functionality

We typically partner with industry leaders who absolutely require reliable functionality. It may very often come down to life or death. That’s a tall order, but we do it. In other cases, operational flow could grind to a halt if the correct button doesn’t engage, or a button couldn’t be tapped in time because the operator was donning gloves. We implicitly trust our silicone products to maintain purpose and function far longer than the alternatives.

#2: Reliable Durability

Without a durable product you can rely on time and time again, how can you be sure it will work when you need it to? You can’t worry about your machinery breaking down or not being productive and making you money. Due to the unique makeup of silicone, keypads made with this material are resistant to anything from weather and damage to extreme temperatures and chemical exposure.

There’s little room for mistakes in industries such as the military, aeronautics, auto, and medical. Using a silicone keypad over a glass or plastic one could save lives.

#3: Affordability

We don’t know about you, but we’re tired of the inflated pricing that comes with sensitive technology. Think about how much money you spend every year on the latest version of a smart phone, for example. This delicate machinery, while it offers many benefits, comes at a great cost, especially when it malfunctions or shatters.

With constant innovation in terms of advancing silicone keypads, we here at Si-Tech are taking this material far beyond what we ever thought possible, at a price that won’t break the bank for the average user.

#4: Fire Resistance

Manufacturers must always think about how a fire and resulting smoke would affect their products. Silicone happens to have natural fire resistant properties, making it the ideal choice for safer components.

In a fire, it’s the smoke, not the flame, that does the most damage. With custom silicone keypads, these materials don’t emit toxic chemicals when exposed to a fire. The same is not true for plastics or other materials that tend to emit dangerous chemicals that can pose a health and safety risk for those nearby.

#5: Safety

Many materials harbor disease agents such as bacteria or molds. Others are porous so that germs have lots of hiding places. Those porous surfaces also become very difficult to clean, even with a disinfectant or antibacterial cleanser. Silicone, on the other hand, features a smooth surface which is easier to clean and keep free from bacteria. As a result, silicone keypads are the perfect choice for hospitals and classrooms.

Contact Si-Tech

Now that you know why we choose silicone keypads here at Si-Tech, it’s time to give us a call and let us know about your requirements at 757-887-8488.