Tel: 757-887-8488

140 Harwood Drive

Newport News, VA 23603 USA

How Modular Controls Can Give Customers More Options

From comfort to control, modular options are the holy grail of customer-facing needs. As a business, you need to incorporate a product that gives you the most options. So what does modular mean exactly? This means it’s made up of many varying parts, often configured like a puzzle. The end goal is to mix and match features so you end up with exactly what you need, where you need it.

If a product is modular, it:

  • Is flexible
  • Is easily configured
  • Allows users to work out solutions to common problems in different ways
  • Gives users the ability to consistently improve upon those solutions
  • Leads to an efficiency in development
  • Allows a new outcome to be achieved each time until the ideal one is settled on.
  • Allows the user to customize a package that suits their requirements.
  • Incorporates every detail they need to operate most efficiently.

Bottom line is: by offering your customers modular controls, you pose a variety of options for them to select from. Modular = ideal.

Setting You Apart From the Competition

Options for the end user: this is what will make you stand head and shoulders above the competition. The engineers at Si-Tech manufacture custom silicone keypads that give clients a wide array of flexible control design possibilities. When you give your customers choices, you can ensure their trust in your products, services and future capabilities.

Increased Comfort for the End User

Comfortable operation, no matter which industry you’re in, is vital. Standard controls are tough to customize for individual users because you can’t please everyone all the time. In broad industries such as medical settings (think: hospitals), you have to configure a product that will be used for different needs by different users throughout the course of a day. Nurses, administrators, staff, doctors and lab techs all use a given piece of equipment in a day. You need to cater to each one, with ease of use and comfortable operations.

With the addition of modular controls, individual users are better able to relocate the silicone keypads to their ideal location on the device in question. Also, modular controls themselves can also be adjusted for height preferences, for example.

Cutting-Edge Designs

New technology emerges all the time, and you have to be ready and able to incorporate all the latest control designs. Learn about their wants, needs, and thoughts as to how they want their custom silicone keypad to look and feel. It’s also vital to work with existing customers in the redesign of products to account for their updated needs throughout the coming months and years.

It becomes easier, then, to upgrade to the latest control technology sans the need to replace the whole machine, which can get very expensive very fast.

Contact Si-Tech

To learn more about how modular controls can give your customers more options, contact Si-Tech at 757-887-8488.