Tel: 757-887-8488

140 Harwood Drive

Newport News, VA 23603 USA

Silicone Mold Maintenance and Upkeep

Here at SiTech, our molds are durable and last a long time. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be regularly cleaned and maintained. It’s important for us to maintain our customers’ molds to preserve the integrity of the process, and prevent wear and tear.

Over time, the molds of our silicone products can wear down, get dirty and generally lose their effectiveness. That’s why we maintain those molds so as to extend their useful lifespan. But we also do it to avoid any obstacles in the process of using them. Regular maintenance can also reduce the cost of unnecessary and frequent repairs.

Let’s go over some of the risks of non-maintenance, ranging from loss of productivity to down time.

Maintain Normal Operation

First and foremost, it’s important to maintain normal operation, and maintenance is key to that process. We are constantly paying attention to whether or not the movable parts of the mold can go through normal operation as is, on a daily basis. We also want to make sure vent holes and water paths aren’t blocked by the silicone waste by-products. This is the most critical step in protecting the mold, as the waste has no gaps or air, which means oil is not allowed to enter. This leads to a higher probability of mold rust and blockages.

Regular Inspections

In addition to daily protection, regular inspections every so often of the mold should be performed. We are always on the lookout for loose screws, dull edges, worn parts and damage. Then, we repair or replace parts as needed to ensure continual, smooth production.


We regularly clean and thoroughly dry out molds. Rust and mildew can form on molds that are not completely dried after use. Without regular cleaning, mold damage and poor product production can result.

Maintain Release Agents

While silicone is naturally non-stick, it will degrade over time. A fresh mold will work great for the first several uses but then issues will start to crop up. In the manufacturing process, a release agent is used when creating the customers’ mold. This agent helps the mold release from the master, as well as the first few casts released from the mold. Using a thin layer of this spray increases the life span of molds and makes casting smaller complex shapes easier.

Extending the Lifespan

You may not realize it, but molds are perishable. Similar to paint brushes, they can be used to create art but over time, they need to be replaced. The better TLC that is given to silicone molds, the longer they will last. However, even the most maintained molds will dull with time, losing the sharp edges of the details.

Contact SiTech

To learn more about our mold maintenance and upkeep procedures, or to place your order for a custom mold, please contact us today at 757-887-8488.