Tel: 757-887-8488

140 Harwood Drive

Newport News, VA 23603 USA

Why You Should Rapid Prototype

One of the greatest tools for ensuring the best quality products for your customers is rapid prototyping. Si-Tech offers quick-turn rapid machined prototype molds that allow our customers to have silicone rubber parts in their hands in as little as 2-3 weeks. Rapid prototyping aides in testing design & manufacturability, lowering overall cost and decreasing production time.

Testing design & manufacturability

Having a finished product in hand can allow one to see details that would normally be overlooked on a computer screen. It allows for testing and alterations to the product design that can quickly be turned around into another part. Creating a silicone rubber rapid prototype allows our customers to test sealing capabilities along with key travel, tactile feedback and many more benefits that would not be capable with standard 3D printed versions. Si-Tech’s quick turn rapid machined prototype molds allow us to utilize the same material & molding conditions that would be used in a production setting. This allows for a fully functional final part.

Lowers cost

Even with the best laid plans, the true cost of creating your product is not known until it is finally made. Often, something as simple as material choice can greatly affect production cost; choosing a less costly material can result in a higher fail rate with quality control, while a more expensive material choose may be unneeded and only drive up production cost. Rapid prototyping allows your business to change any number of production chooses and compare the results side by side.

Decreases production time

Rapid prototyping allows a business to follow the creation of their product and evaluate each step; any steps that are found to be unnecessary can be removed or substituted. By receiving a prototype long before the product is finalized, a business can experiment with the production of their product to determine their best course of action.

From concept to manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping is the most cost-effective solution for your organization. Silicone Technology Corp. is headquartered in Newport News, Virginia. If you want to find out more about what makes SiTECH different from our competitors, give us a call today at 757-887-8488.